You are currently reading Issue 149: Day of the Girl, September 2022

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Connecting women and opportunity

Womanthology is a digital magazine and professional community powered by female energy and ingenuity.

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Diverse science equals better science, so let’s show young girls what they are truly capable of

Alice Gray, STEM Champion and Blogger

alice gray

Alice Gray is a neuroscience graduate from Cardiff University who since graduating has been committed to the cause of improving the representation of women in science and scientific engagement through her work in the media. As well as working in Cardiff University’s Communications Department, Alice works on content for BBC Wales Live and is also a freelance podcast creator for Bengo Media. Alice has appeared regularly in the BBC’s 100 Women project on a list of 100 inspiring women, as well as having spoken at the European Space Agency in Paris.

Alice Gray

“It’s vital that we show young girls what they are truly capable of as they have been battling gender bias from the moment they were born.”

Being a true steminist

I’m Alice Gray, a professional science communicator. My background is in neuroscience, but after finishing my academic education I decided to move into the world of media and communications, specialising in promoting scientific content in news ways.

I have built my career on a passion for sharing science and improving science education and industry to make it more diverse. I have worked with the National Assembly for Wales, the European Space Agency and Welsh STEM industry to actively improve polices to make science education and industry more inclusive.

My drive to make science more accessible has led me to create free and easy-to-understand science content, from YouTube videos, blogs, podcasts to films – as well as helping to bring a science festival back to Cardiff.

Alice GrayI currently work for Cardiff University in their Communications Department, as well as freelancing for Bengo Media to help create podcasts, as well as the BBC to create news pieces for BBC Wales Live. My work focuses on taking new publications and research in biomedical and life science, and translating this for public audiences.

Making scientific research accessible to everyone

I fundamentally believe that everyone should know what is happening in scientific research and the industry should be welcoming to everyone. I enjoy acting as a conduit between academics and the public to provide my skills to translate what is happening in labs and bring it into people’s homes – through various formats – from television to podcasts.

By showcasing more scientists who don’t look like those who have been traditionally associated with working in science, we can shift the public’s perception of what a scientist looks like and hopefully broaden the career prospects of the next generation as well.

Challenging structural inequalities

I started talking about gender equality and diversity in STEM during my final year of university in 2013, where I started a blog to voice my frustrations about the lack of action to improve science education and industry. Since then, we have seen a dramatic change in the conversation around these topics, with policymakers, educators and recruiters appearing making an effort to improve diversity of the workforce.

I think we still have a lot of work to do. We still fail to ensure that the industry supports women throughout their career – highlighted in lockdown by research publications by women plummeted due to the increased domestic and care-giving responsibilities. We still also see that these industries remain dominated by white men and are structurally built to exclude those outside those categories. I also fear that the current economic outlook of the UK will worsen already long-established hurdles for those from lower socio-economic backgrounds from pursuing a career in STEM.

Showing young girls what they are truly capable of

It’s vital that we show young girls what they are truly capable of as they have been battling gender bias from the moment they were born. Since they first opened their eyes, they have been showered in messaging that limits their possibilities, so it’s important that we make conscious efforts every day to combat these messages to make sure they reach their full potential. International days like this act as a yearly reminder of the importance of these efforts.

To celebrate the day this year I will be beavering away, showcasing women in STEM, through press releases and podcasts!

Diverse science equals better science

Alice Gray
Alice speaking at TEDx Swansea Women

Science, like all industries, improves its outputs when its more diverse – not limited to just gender. To ensure that science continues to improve and develops solutions to our global challenges that impact everyone, we need to ensure that those in the industry reflect everyone too. Increasing the perspectives offered in problem-solving will improve the results. Traditionally, science has been dominated by a single perspective. We need to change that.

Coming up next

I’m at an exciting point in my career where I think I have some great opportunities (and challenges) are ahead of me. I have been building a career based on what I am passionate about, so wherever it takes me next, I will certainly enjoy it!

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