Womanthology celebrates Fathers’ Day
Welcome to issue seven. On Sunday 15th June UK families will celebrate Fathers’ Day, which was founded in the US in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd, whose father was a Civil War veteran and a single parent who raised six children. A modern man, ahead of his time if ever there was one.
Sadly my dad passed away almost seven years ago, so the occasion is always tinged with sadness, but it is also a reminder of all the things he taught me that I still carry with me as I go about my daily life.
He got me through my driving test. He helped me with my maths homework. He taught me about photography. I used to stand in the garden and ‘help’ him mix concrete and mend the car.
Men who do dishes…
In the press recently a study conducted by Alyssa Croft, a PhD Candidate in the University of British Columbia’s Department of Psychology suggested that fathers who help with household chores are more likely to raise daughters who aspire to less traditional, and potentially higher paying, careers. “How fathers treat their domestic duties appears to play a unique gatekeeper role.”
My dad was indeed a washer of dishes. The attempts at cooking and laundry were arguably less successful, but he always gave it a go regardless. Could this be the reason for my unrelenting career drive and ambition?!
Many of the women who have taken part in Womanthology over the past three months since we launched have made reference to the support they received from their fathers (in addition of course to other family members) as they grew up. Likewise working dads who have daughters will often share stories of how this is shaping their attitudes to diversity and equality of opportunity for women.
It’s interesting when you hear from contributors to this fortnight’s edition too. Thank-you to everyone who has shared their insight and personal experiences with us. Some of the topical elements of contributions in relation to Fathers’ Day are:
Charlotte Edwards
Trail blazing England women’s cricket captain, describes the influence of her dad, her brother and her uncle as she played cricket growing up.
Genevieve Kunst
Managing Director Europe, ShopStyle by POPSUGAR mentions how much she learnt from her father’s approach to business, alongside other family members.
Oliver Black
Working dad, father of twins and a young daughter, and founder of My Family Care talks about balancing business with making it along for the school run. He also mentions the recent launch of the Cityfathers network.
Championing positive male role models as well as female role models
The central premise of Womanthology is to champion positive female role models, but as important is to champion male role models who embrace diversity and equality of opportunity.
For women who are fortunate enough to grow up with a positive male role model in our lives, whether this is a dad or someone else (ideally someone who knows his detergent from his fabric softener), this relationship can shape our attitudes to our own abilities, our self-confidence and ultimately our world view.
I hope this issue of Womanthology provides you with some food for thought and inspiration. Word is spreading now and it’s great to get your feedback about the stories and support we bring you. Do keep reading and sharing.