You are currently reading Issue 130: Black History Month, October 2021

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Womanthology is a digital magazine and professional community powered by female energy and ingenuity.

Connecting women and opportunity

Womanthology is a digital magazine and professional community powered by female energy and ingenuity.

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Womanthology podcast episode 27: Black History Month

With special guests Flavilla Fongang, Founder of 3 Colours Rule and Tech London Advocates Black Women In Tech, and Inês Santos

Welcome to the twenty-seventh episode of the Womanthology podcast.

The theme of this episode is Black History Month.

We speak with Flavilla Fongang, Founder of 3 Colours Rule and Tech London Advocates Black Women In Tech. Flavilla shares details of the new book she’s been working on, The Voices in The Shadow, which will present 51 black women that are doing great things in tech.

We will also be hearing from Ines Santos, Womanthology’s associate editor, who is going to be talking us through the written stories in the new issue.

Thank you for listening and remember, if you want to support what we do, please share the link for the show on social media, follow the podcast and leave a review in your podcast app.

That’s all for now, but join us for the next episode, where we meet Women in Medicine and Health.

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