You are currently reading Issue 105: Gender Equality 2.0, July 2020

Connecting women and opportunity

Womanthology is a digital magazine and professional community powered by female energy and ingenuity.

Connecting women and opportunity

Womanthology is a digital magazine and professional community powered by female energy and ingenuity.

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Womanthology podcast episode 2: Gender balance 2.0? – With special guests, Jennifer Tsitsopoulos from Board of Innovation, Dr Duncan Brown and Inês Santos


Welcome to the second episode of the Womanthology podcast.

In this podcast we chat with Dr Duncan Brown, author, researcher, government adviser and Womanthology associate. Duncan shares his key takeaways from the recent Womanthology lift-off event, where he was a panellist. (You can watch the webinar over on our YouTube Channel.) What impact is the COVID-19 crisis having on gender balance and how to do we prevent it from backsliding?

We also meet Womanthology’s associate editor, Inês Santos, who talks us through the features in the new written issue.

Strategy expert, Jennifer Tsitsopoulos, founding member of Board of Innovation, shares her thoughts about the Low Touch Economy. What is it and how will it affect our lives?

There’s also an update on our #WomenInThePicture global photography prize. We want to shine a light on the experiences of working women around the world. We’ve put out a call for selfies that capture the challenges and the triumphs; the awe-inspiring multiplicity of women’s roles in a rapidly changing world.

Thank you for listening and remember, if you want to support what we do, please share the link for the show on social media, subscribe and leave a review in your podcast app.

Join us for the next episode where we’ll be hearing from a variety of female pioneers in the field of health. Who are the women who are helping the healthcare system move forward and innovate?

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